Children are a gift from the Lord.

On November the 17th I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Madison Leola. At the time I didn't know that my life was about to change, for the better, but at that time I thought it was for the worst. The day after she was born my husband, Cecil,  and I were given the news that out daughter had several signs of Down syndrome and that a chromosome test had been performed and we would get the results within a week. We were shocked and it seemed as if I went into my own world. So many thoughts raced through my mind. I instantly began to pray, not that she wouldn't have Down syndrome as suspected, but that I would be the best mother and let the Lord guide me on how to raise this gift. The tests came back, Trisomy 21(Down Syndrome). After a couple of months, I begin to realize that this child has opened my eyes to see that life itself is a gift. Madison and Makenna are my world and have taught me to take one day at a time and not to take little things for granted. Madison is like any other 2 year old now. She enjoys playing with her sister, running, jumping, looking at books, going to church, and of course getting into things she shouldn't. At the end of everyday I thank God that he chose me to be her mother for indeed she is a gift. My 2 girls are my world and I think God everyday for them and ask him everynight to protect them from all harm and danger and to help lead me to be the mother they deserve. The one thing I want for my children is for them to honor and glorify the Lord in their own special way.